Freelance Florist & Flower Shop Insurance

Florist & Flower Shop Insurance

Florists preparing flowers

What do we cover?

We provide specialist business insurance for:

  • Freelance florists
  • Flower shops
  • Artisan growers
  • Delivery vans

Can I get a quote online?

Please click the 'Get a Quote' button for an instant quote and the option to purchase. Alternatively, call us on 0121 550 2380 for a personalised quote tailored to your needs. Our office hours are 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday.

What insurance does a florist business need?

How much does florist insurance cost?

Do you insure flower growers?

We build bespoke cover packages which can include:

  • Buildings - including high street shops, third party window displays and home studios
  • Contents and stock - such as equipment, samples, stock of flowers and office contents
  • Business interruption - lost income cover following an insured event such as a fire
  • Public and products liability - third party injury and third party property damage
  • Employers' liability - employees and volunteers cover
  • Professional indemnity - cover for professional mistakes
  • PR Crisis Containment - reputational cover following an insured event
  • Commercial legal expenses - access to legal support
  • Exhibition cover - includes wedding fairs
  • Business HR - virtual HR department

How do I claim?

Call our team directly on 0121 550 2380 and we will guide you through our simple claims process.

Claims example - Our client operates as an artisan florist and grows their own produce utilising their own tools and equipment. Unfortunately, somebody broke in to their studio and vandalised their stock, tools and equipment threatening the viability of our clients business.

We were able to reassure our client and signpost them towards the Hiscox claims team. Hiscox provided a dedicated claims solicitor to successfully deal with the claim and ensure that the client was able to stay in business.


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Why choose us?

Our team has more than thirty-five years of experience insuring wedding professionals.

Additional FAQs

What is florist insurance?
As with any business, there are going to be assets that you wish to protect as well as liability exposures to be managed. As a florist your sales role is consultative in nature and therefore the chances of making a professional mistake are increased. From business contents and stock items through to liability covers depending on where you operate and whether or not you engage staff or volunteers florist insurance is designed to protect you and your business should the worst happen.

Download policy wordings

Policy taken out or last renewed between(both dates incl)

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